
The Dyes & Pigments Manufacturers Association of India

The Dyes & Pigments Manufacturers Association of India (DPMAI), established in 1950 (as The Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association of India – DMAI), is the Apex Body representing Dyes, Pigments, Optical Brighteners and Dye Intermediates manufacturers from all over the country, covering all sectors of the Colorants industry – MSMEs to multinationals. DPMAI regularly takes up various issues of concern to the Colorants industry with the concerned Government agencies. Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCP), Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India seeks DPMAI opinion in framing policies concerning Colorants industry. Since 1991, DPMAI has been regularly submitting a 10 year Action Plan to the Government for achieving goals, set for the Colorants industry.

DPMAI feels proud that Indian Colorants industry has emerged as a major player in the world with a global market share of about 17%. The actual export performance exceeded the targets set in the first two 10 year Action Plans. DPMAI honors its members with annual awards for their excellence in various fields, felicitates students of Dyestuff Technology from ICT, conducts Seminars, arranges and hosts overseas Trade delegations and organizes conferences to bring Colorant makers and its diverse users on a common platform to understand the present and future needs and deliberate on available products, future trends and developments. For the convenience of end users, DPMAI with the support of DCP, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India, had organized such three conferences on “Textiles: Business & Environment Sustainability – Challenges for the Colorants Industry” in 2013 in Coimbatore and in 2016 and 2022 in Ludhiana.

Over the years, DPMAI & China Dyestuff Industry Association (CDIA) have established close links. Besides holding regular interactions, and active participation in China Inter Dye Exhibition every year; the first Inter Dye Asia (an international exhibition) was jointly and successfully held in December 2011 in Ahmedabad. DPMAI & CDIA jointly established Asia Dyestuff Industry Federation (ADIF) in 2018 with a view to assisting in accelerating the development of Asian Colorant industry. Globally recognized as the Apex association for the Indian Colorants industry, DPMAI is regularly invited for participation and presentations in prestigious events such as ITMA and International Congress of International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Clourists (IFATCC).

To address the needs of the Colorants industry at a business platform bringing together related stake holders, buyers and sellers from India and abroad with focused emphasis on textiles (India being now viewed as a global sourcing hub for all of types of textiles); Colour Publications, along with DPMAI have stared organizing Expos (ChromaTexChem) in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India and one of the leading centers for textile industry. The 1st EXPO was conducted successfully on 14th & 15th November 2019, and the 2nd edition, jointly with The Gujarat Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association (GDMA), was held on 13th & 14th October 2022.

Starting in 2005; the International Convention on Colorants (COC), jointly conducted by DPMAI and Department of Speciality Chemicals Technology, ICT with support from DCP, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, has become a very successful biennial event. Appreciating the continuous need for innovation in technology, and to enable the industry to benefit from the latest worldwide developments in the field, 9th international Convention on Colorants 2023 (COC23) is being organized on 2nd & 3rd March 2023 in Mumbai.